Tour to the Campus + Kazan Planetarium

Kazan State University is the oldest educational institution in Russia.

Since ancient times, Kazan is known as a stronghold of education. Suffice it to recall that it was in Kazan that one of the oldest educational institutions in Russia was created – the Kazan University, whose walls were nurtured by more than one pleiad of future writers, mathematicians, astronomers, chemists whose activities glorified not only our university but our country.

We will examine the whole complex of campus buildings: the main building, the anatomical theater, the scientific library, the human and physical buildings, the building of the chemical institute. Here scientific schools for all of Russia were born.

Country excursion to the Kazan Planetarium. The planetarium is located on the territory of the Astronomical Observatory. V. Engelhardt. In the planetarium, modern equipment that allows you to demonstrate the starry sky, close to the present due to the dome system. Here, there are broadcasts of scientific and educational films, as well as the starry sky. You can “move” to the North or South Pole, “fly” to the equator and look at the sky from there, track the way stars move through the sky during the night and throughout the year, fly up to the rings of Saturn, watch the birth of new stars and the Big Bang.

Duration – 4 hours

Schedule: every Thursday at 10:00

Cost: 1750 rubles. (adult)

Cost: 1650 rubles. (Children from 6 to 12 years)

The collection point for the excursion program “Clock on Bauman” (metro station Tukaya Square). It is necessary to pre-record by phone. 8 843 294 7000

English-speaking guide is paid separately.

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