Hotel NOGAI offers its guests the “Halal” standard to ensure their comfortable and pleasant stay at the hotel. We offer various accessories within the scope of this standard to help our guests observe religious rites and traditions.
We can provide our guests with:

  • mat for prayer,
  • Quran in cover,
  • Subha (rosary),
  • a set of plants based cosmetics “Utuya” with coconut oil
  • Miswak, and
  • Kumgan.

The prayer schedules and addresses of the nearest Mosques and Halal restaurants are also provided in the rooms.

We try to do our best to make our guests feel comfortable, so the hotel staff is familiar with the basic principles of Islamic law and is always ready to provide the necessary assistance to our guests. We are ready to serve everything you need for a comfortable stay at the NOGAI hotel, so that everyone could feel at home.

If necessary, our guests can order all extra accessories free of charge at the reception or in our online room service.

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