Interactive show: Tatar dancing (“Tatar biyulyare”)

The unique interactive program “Tatar biyulyare” is a master class on dance movements for incendiary Tatar music.
During the study of all the wisdom, etiquette and cunning of the Tatar dance, tourists dress up in costumes, which allows you to immerse yourself in an atmosphere of unrestrained fun under the incendiary rhythms of the accordion. Specially for the program, women’s and men’s national costumes were sewn, which everyone can try on.
The program includes a dinner with dishes of Tatar national cuisine. During the feast the artists will start the show program, and after the meal all the guests change into national costumes and join the artists. Professional artists in an hour will teach to dance and give a lot of positive. Each guest will take with him a beautiful photo for memory!

Duration – 4 hours

Schedule: every Saturday at 18:00

Cost: 1100 rub. (adult)

Cost: 550 rubles. (Children from 7 to 12 years old)

The collection point for the excursion program “Clock on Bauman” (metro station Tukaya Square). It is necessary to pre-record by phone. 8 843 294 7000

English-speaking guide is paid separately.

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